The Diet Failures That Keep Weight On

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is research based and some of the views and findings do not conform with the CSN Diet.

When recognising the true source of your failures, it becomes far easier to make necessary changes in what you eat and how you view your diet.

Why Do Diets Fail?

Many people have already found great success with their CSN diet.

Their hard work and self-discipline in sticking to their diet and changing the way they eat and think about food have paid off.

However, there are others who have been on a CSN program for a while and are not losing weight.

These people wonder where they went wrong or why they aren’t losing kilos as fast as they hoped. Is it their diet, their CSN meal plan, or them?

The answer is often a combination of all three. Here are some typical diet failures that prevent people from losing fat.

Louise lost 12kg in 30 days



Lack of Persistence Leads to Diet Failure

This is a serious struggle for many people. They see their CSN diet as a short-term deprivation instead of a complete lifestyle change in how you eat and your overall activity level.

A healthy diet doesn’t end at some future point in time so you can go back to eating mass quantities of whatever you want whenever you want it.

In fact, according to a recent statistical analysis, 2 in 5 people don’t last more than a week on a diet. 1 in 5 people make it to the one month mark, and the same number usually make it to the three-month mark.

A major step for most dieters in persisting with their diet was figuring out what their pitfalls were that caused their lack of persistence, and finding better strategies for overcoming those challenges when trying to stick to their diet.

Here are the top causes of diet failure and how to beat them.

Your Body Rebels

When your diet restrictions are too strict or drastic, you can actually set off mood swings, headaches, fatigue (physical and mental), irritability, upset stomach, and overall brain fog.

Some people describe the experience of drug withdrawal, others as existing in a zombie-like state.

No one wants to feel this way when they are on a diet. You should feel energised, happy, and focused. If this is not the case, especially on a CSN diet plan, here’s how to fix it.

The Body Rebellion Fix

Take some time to reflect on your diet history, and make the commitment to yourself not to repeat previous mistakes. If you have tried many diets in the past, you already know what makes your body feel miserable.

The majority of the time, people eat too few calories and too few carbohydrates to sustain their health and well-being. Add healthy snacks throughout your day, increase portions at mealtimes, and don’t cut out too much fruit.

It may feel counterintuitive to eat more when you want to create a caloric deficit, but your body knows what you need best, and you need to stop ignoring it and listen.

Cutting calories is important, but if you cut too much, you are going to deprive your body of its basic needs.

This leads to a slowing of your metabolism and can actually affect your overall health. Headaches, cravings, brain fog? Those are your body’s signals to stop what you are doing because you are hurting yourself.

Focus on weight loss basics like balancing how much you eat with what you are eating, just like your CSN meal plan recommends. Once you find that balance, you will find your body has become your ally in a fat loss rather than a resistance movement.

Hunger is a Beast

A common misconception about dieting is that you have to feel hungry in order to lose weight. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Chronic hunger actually indicates that your diet is not balanced or that you are getting inadequate calories for your basic bodily needs.

Insufficient calories actually cause your body to start conserving energy by holding onto fat, increasing your weight loss resistance.

The Hunger Fix

There is an easy way to shed those kilos and lose those centimetres without suffering through extended hunger pangs. Add healthy foods that contribute to better satiety, so you feel full longer.

Lean protein (chicken, eggs, fish, beans, etc.), fibre (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lentils, etc.), and good fat (avocados, nuts, seeds, olive and coconut oils) all make you feel full without adding saturated fats or empty calories.

For example, a cup of black bean soup with a quarter avocado on top, a few cups of grilled asparagus, and a half cup of steamed quinoa comes to a total of 350 calories.

This complete meal will make you feel far more full than the average diet frozen dinner with its 350 calories will.

You can also fill up on foods that are rich in water volume like fruits and vegetables that take up more space but contain fewer calories.

Puffed or popped grain works well, too. In fact, a half cup of steamed corn comes out to roughly 15 grammes of carbohydrates, but it takes three cups of popcorn to equal that same amount.

Additionally, a half cup of brown rice measures out to roughly 22 grammes of carbohydrates, but it takes 4 cups of puffed brown rice to equal the same amount.

Cravings are Hard to Crush

Got a particular food or dish that you know you could never live without?

That’s completely okay. Long term weight loss is a commitment to changing your lifestyle for the rest of your life. If you don’t find a way to fit allow yourself an indulgence once in awhile though, you are setting yourself up for failure.

If you cannot find a way to address these cravings as a part of your diet, you end up on the weight loss rollercoaster: lose 10 kilos, gain back 15, lose 20 kilos, gain back 25, and so you find yourself further and further from your long term weight goal as time goes on. No one can perfectly maintain a deprivation diet for weeks or months on end. All this does is make you angry and resentful, and eventually, you abandon your diet altogether.

The Cravings Fix

All-or-nothing approaches to dieting do not work. When you encounter even one little failure, your mindset tends to slip into the “in for a penny, in for a pound” mentality, and you go all out on an eating binge.

If you are worried about depriving yourself too much, you need to allow yourself little splurges to reduce your chances of going on a binge.

A good strategy for this is to share dessert at a restaurant every week, or buy a single cookie at the bakery instead of a baker’s dozen box.

It’s also good to add nutrient-rich, fat-loss friendly foods that make you feel like you are cheating on your diet.

Almond butter, avocado, and unsweetened dark chocolate blended together into a mousse is great for your body and tastes positively decadent. If you try to be perfect with your diet, you will lose every time.

Not looking forward to eating or little indulgences will cause you to fail in your diet plan.

Social Pressure Makes Your Struggle Harder

So many people who are working on balancing their diet and calorie intake get negative responses from family members or friends when they reject offers of food or drinks at social functions. In fact, most dieters report says that their friends and family actually tell them they don’t need to watch what they eat because they look fine.

This leads to people failing to stick to their diet because they have been pressured or guilted into overeating foods they are actively trying to avoid. It is a lucid fact that friends and family give each other “permission” to overeat.

The Social Pressure Fix

Avoid eating as entertainment with your social time. Instead of hanging out during dinner or happy hour, change up your agenda. Going to a play instead of a movie helps you avoid eating candy, drinking soda, and eating popcorn.

Go out dancing with friends instead of drinking, or if that’s too much of a challenge, offer your services for the evening as the designated driver so you can drink water all evening without people pressuring you to drink high-calorie alcoholic beverages.

When friends or family continue to push back, you must explain your reasons for eating as you do in very concrete terms.

Tell them your diet goals are important to you because they help you sleep, you have more energy at work, they make your digestive issues go away, or it prevents migraine headaches.

After your simple explanation, ask for their support. Your social circle may feel like they have lost a fellow co-conspirator for a night on the town, but if they truly care about you, they will adjust to how you hang out and spend time together.

When You Know Better, You Do Better

When recognising the true source of your failures, it becomes far easier to make necessary changes in what you eat and how you view your diet.

A major boost to sticking to your diet is your CSN meal plan, which has been designed to help you prevent body rebellion, excessive hunger, and cravings. Make sure that you are following these helpful tips to avoid common diet failures, and follow your CSN diet.

You can be on a diet and enjoy both life and your food.

All you need to do is commit to sticking to it.

Picture of Karien


Hi, my name is Karien Nel and today I’m 37kg lighter than the day I started my weight loss journey with CSN Diet.

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2 thoughts on “The Diet Failures That Keep Weight On”

  1. Hello.. I would like to know if beef can be replaced by lamb,besides chicken,fish and ostrich.🙏


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