11 CSN Diet Side Effects You Should Know before you buy!

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is research based and some of the views and findings do not conform with the CSN Diet.


(not everyone experiences these side effects but have been reported)


About Weight loss With the CSN Diet Plan

The CSN diet weight loss programme is a sixty-day six-phase natural weight loss programme of which the first 10 days are an intense detox plan.

During the detoxing phase, dramatic weight loss occurs. It was created by Christo Strydom and scientifically tested at the University of the Free State,1

You can achieve amazing weight loss results and a significant improvement in your overall health and well-being.

During the CSN diet detox, it is likely that you will experience a few of the side effects mentioned below, but this will usually happen in the initial few days simply because your body is cleansing.


csn diet side effects

1. Natural Weight loss (that’s a side effect NO ONE has a problem with) – woman lose 3-6% of their body weight, and men lose 6-9%.


2. A mild Headache – drink a lot of water, and if a headache persists you are allowed to take a Panado.


3. Lack of energy – the first few days you will feel a bit tired and irritated, but you will soon feel more energetic than ever.


4. Cravings – if you can just get past the first three days, the cravings disappear. It takes only three days of a diet containing sugar, to get you hooked again, so stick it through.


5. Diarrhoea – The AloeMag is responsible for getting your metabolism started and for that reason you will experience diarrhoea. When this does happen (and it will), please lower the AloeMag dosage for 4 per day to ONLY 2 per day.

  • Drink lots of water to prevent stomach cramps.
  • Do not take the Aloemag if you are breastfeeding / pregnant / or have another digestive system illness (consult a CSN diet agent who will gladly assist)

6. Heart Burn – This is not common, but if you are experiencing this side effect we suggest dissolving 1/4 tsp BAKING SODA in a glass of lukewarm water. It is best to sip it slowly to avoid diarrhoea/gas and can be repeated every 2 hours.


7. CSN is not suitable if you have just started on Warfarin (blood thinning medication) or if you have Diverticulitis. If you have ANY medical condition – consult with us first.

Diabetics (Type II – your blood sugar will go on a roller coaster before it stabilizes. It is of utmost importance that you take your blood sugar reading every 2 hours and adjust your insulin/medication accordingly (please consult with your GP)


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8. Blood Pressure – we have hundreds of clients who are completely off their blood pressure medication after completing the CSN diet program. However, do not end the use of any chronic medication without consulting with your doctor.


9. Pregnant – The CSN program should not be followed if you are pregnant. This is not a time that is safe for weight loss. Your body has other needs, and therefore you should follow a well-balanced diet with a wide variety of food sources.

Breastfeeding – CSN is a natural product and therefore safe while breastfeeding. We do however not recommend you to take the AloeMag as this will end up in your milk supply and can affect your baby (diarrhoea).

With regards to the other CSN Vegetable-and Barley Grass supplements – your baby will soon let you know if he/she doesn’t like it. In that case, you can terminate the use of the supplements and just follow the meal plan.


10. You will lose centimetres – Don’t make the scale your only measurement of progress. You should take your weight loss measurements and ‘before’ photos as well.


11. You feel great after the detox – Remarkable things happen in your body (as well as your mind) once this initial period is over. After a detox, you will feel cleaner both physically and mentally.

You may also feel more alert and energetic, and you will feel better after digestion of food because the process has been better than when you’re insides were clogged.

That is the natural weight loss side effects you could experience from the Christo Strydom Nutrition program!


So what are you waiting for click here to find out the cost of CSN products today!


Christo Strydom Nutrition was scientifically tested by The departments of Internal Medicine and Biostatistics at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Giving the CSN Diet the stamp of approval! 

CSN Weight Loss Support

I am here to support you on your CSN plan. Weight management is not an easy task and it takes dedication and consistency. 

Eating healthy starts with a healthy eating lifestyle. The CSN weight loss program will make sure you get back on track and start eating healthy again. 

We support you via Whatsapp, email or even phone calls if that is what you prefer. 

Want to improve your chances of success then go to one of the CSN weight loss retreats. Here we will cook all your food and make sure you stay on course to achieve your weight loss goal. 




Picture of Karien


Hi, my name is Karien Nel and today I’m 37kg lighter than the day I started my weight loss journey with CSN Diet.

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101 thoughts on “11 CSN Diet Side Effects You Should Know before you buy!”

  1. My man is vanaf Januarie 2018 op Xarelto n bloed verdunner. Sal hy die produk kan gebruik?
    Kry pensionarisse enige afslag want ons is albei pensioenarisse?
    Ons stel baie belang in die dieet soos ek met jpu telefonies bespreek het. My man kan nie meer loop. Waterretensie in sy buik
    Die buik hang onder sy kniee. Hy het ook geval en rug gebreek op l5 werwel en met die gewig is hy gedurig in pyn. Ons is moefeloos. Hoop jul kan help

  2. Hi,

    I would like to know do one have to exclude alcohol through out the whole plan which consists of 40 days or just no alcohol in the first 10 days of detox?


  3. My husband has a stent and takes tablets for cholesterol, blood pressure and blood thinners. Has done for past three years. About 15 kg over weight. Is this product suitable?

    • Cathy thank you for your message we have sent you additional info and answers to your questions.

  4. Hi. Ek het Multiple Sclerosis en het hoë cholesterol… Is dit veilig vir my? Het dit so aangedui op my bestel vorm. Maar sien toe ek pille kry jy kan dit nie gebruik as jy hoë cholesterol het ni. Wat bedoel dit alchohol is fatal in detox period… Biki scary

  5. Ek is vir 16 jaar op Epilizine en van Mei 2018 af op Warfarin vir bloedklonte in my longe. Kan ek julle produk gebruik en is dit veilig saam met my medikasie. Ek was vir 2 jaar op kortisoon en het 12 kg opgetel wat ek net moet verloor. Ek het nou al verskeie ander produkte probeer maar niks werk nie omdat ek niks groen goed mag gebruik nie en baie van die dieete sluit baie van jou groen groentes in vir detox en gewigsverlies. Sal ek julle produkte kan gebruik en sal dit veilig en effektief wees?

  6. I was fighting breast cancer last year, bilateral mastectomy and chemo, then more surgeries for reconstruction, little to say i could not and still can’t exercise, i have gained a lot of weight during this time and i want to lose 18kg, can this program help me lose this weight? Any suggestions how to take the meds as i have read reviews of the product working but tasting extremely horrible?

    • Laura, they improved the product a lot over the years and we hardly get any of that type of feedback anymore. I will contact you with more information. Here are some of the recent CSN reviews!

  7. Waar kan ek vooraf die kossoorte sien wat deel van die eetplan vorm? Ek sukkel bietjie met seker kos teksture ens en wil nie iets aanpak wat ek nie sal kan deursien nie.

    • Lize, die CSN dieet plan bestaan grootenddeels uit samestelling van groente en vrugte. Watter kossoorte sukkel jy mee?

  8. Goeie dag ek stel belang ek moet gewig verloor volgens dr , ek het hoe cholestral en lymphodema . Wil graag meer weet en ook hoe ek te werke moet gaan . En ook die pryse asb vir alles.
    Wag om te hoor van julle ,wil so vinnige as moontlik begin.
    Baie dankie.
    Ingrid Bester.

    • Dawie, die CSN Diet is ‘n natuurlike dieet en veilig om te gebruik as jy cholesterol het.

    • Tina, die CSN diet gewone en diabetes opsies verskil slegs mbt die eet plan. Die CSN produkte is dieselfde dus net verskillende etikette en eetplan.

  9. Hi

    I am on Ecotrin, high blood prssure meds and diabetes 11 meds. I am also on Lexamil 5mg. Will i be able to start with the detox programme?

    Thank you

    • Gina that is a complex mix and we will have to run it past our CSN doctor to confirm if you would be able to start with the CSN detox programme.

    • Nicolette dankie vir jou navraag. Die beste opsie vir jou is om met die CSN dieet maand pakket te begin wat die 60 dae eetplan insluit.

  10. Hi Karien, I struggle with Tomatoes and Banana’s… can I cook them differently or make a smoothie to get them down.. what are the alternatives… or is it not an option and I should just get them down (”,)

    • Thank you for contacting us.

      You can make smoothies with your bananas on that day – sprinkle a little cinnamon over – its delicious. You can also add ice and coffee to spice it up.

      About the tomatoes:

      It’s best to eat your tomatoes raw as the enzymes in tomatoes break down the protein so please try to eat it that way

      Keep me posted on your results – would love to hear from you

  11. Hi Karien, I need to loose about 50 kg, I am 60 years old and need to get a better price. R2500 pm is just far too expensive. Regards, Lynette

    • Lynette, thank you for reaching out. It is great to hear that you want to tackle those extra kg’s, unfortunately, we do not have any specials running at the moment. If you have a SASSA card there is a discount we can offer. Please contact me if you would like to order. Email me at karien@kariencsn.co.za or order online http://www.kariencsn.co.za

      Kind Regards

  12. Karien
    Ek stel belang in die detox program, wat sal net dit kos, vir eers.
    Die hele paket per maand is te duur vir my.

  13. Hi Karien
    Jammer ek sien die pryse vir die detox program van 10 dae, is die paket net vir 10 dae, of kan mens voortgaan om dit vir langer to kan gebruik.

  14. Hi Karien, I am 72 years old, 2100 m tall and weighs 175 Kg. I am very healthy except for a back problem. I joined and paid a fee to CSN while you were still in Gordons Bay, I went through the detox and lost 10 Kg . Sadly I fell off the bus and regained all plus more weight. I have no problem following the plan . I didn’t like the taste of the soup. Liz & I have started the program again. We make our own vegetable soup, What else can we add for taste change. When I joined there were no supplements . I want to know if it is OK what we are doing .My biggest problem is a big stomach that I want to get rid of. Please advise.

    • Good day

      It’s lovely to hear from you – thank you for your email

      I will not recommend making your own vegetable soup – everything on the CSN program is so scientifically tested that changing things up will have an influence on the results.

      We still have the soup powder – it is not for everyone’s taste buds but definitely a better option than trying to make your own.

      I will also recommend you to use the Barley Grass and Aloemag while following the meal plan to the T – for the best results

      If you would like to order – please do so on our online shop https://kariencsn.co.za/shop/

      Hope to hear from you soon – please keep us up to date

  15. Karien, kan ky my asb op jou whatsupp add..ek het berlede week met die dieet begin en het so paar vra oor n paar kos soorte. Groete Carina Brand, 0844987654

  16. Hi kan ek dit gebruik as ek n onderaktiewe skildklier het ek is op Eurthyrox.
    Enige agent in Durban area

  17. Ek wil ook graag met di program begin maar is op Glucophage 500mg x1, Nuzak 20mg x1 asook toplep 50mg x2 vir epilepsie.
    sal dit veilig wees. ek is nie n groot eter nie maar my gewig staan op meer as n 100kg. Ek eet elke oggend 3vrugte en yogurt niks deur die dag nie en redelik gesond in die aand met die minste stysel moontlik, eerder iets soos omelet of n avo of iets soortsgelyk.
    ek het nie crawings nie maar is nou 62 en het n stressvolle werk.
    sal graag ook een van julle kampe vir n rukkie wil besoek.

    • Emelda, ons koerier jou bestelling na jou. Ons huidige kantoor is by 741 Frhensch St, Moreletapark, Pretoria.

  18. Liewe Karien,
    Noem dieet ek het hul probeer. Ek ry wipplank. Het gedeelte van kolon verwyder. Van daar kan ek nie groen groentes, uie, enige kosse en koeldrank was gasse bou gebruik nie te veel vrugte, vesel, maak my siek. Ek het na operasie, vernouing in dikderm. Gebruik daagliks Movikol 2x per dag.
    Sal jul dieet vir my kan werk?
    Ek desperate. 20kg om te verloor.

    • Dit is so lekker om van jou te hoor en ons sal jou baie graag wil help

      Die feit dat jy nei groen groentes, uie en vrugte mag eet nie maak dit net SO moeilik om ons dieet te volg want ons eetplan bestaan basies 90% daaruit – en die supplemente wat jy moet neem het baie uie, broccoli, kool ens in ….

      Op die lys van groente wat jy mag eet is dit meestal groen groente =(

      Die aloemag in ons reeks sal wel wonders verrig dink ek – dit is verseker opelyf – maar ek is nie seker of dit dalk jou kolon/dikderm sal iriteer nie

      SJoe dit is vreeslik moeilik dat so baie kosse uit jou dieet gesny moet word

      Laatweet wat jy dink- dan kyk ons wat ons vir jou kan doen

  19. Goeiemore
    Ek is al vir omtrent 18 jaar n diabeet.So 2 jaar terug is ek opgeneem vir hoe bloedsuiker.Op daardie staduim was my lesings so tussen 28 en 32.Na 3 dae in die hospitaal is daar besluit dat en moet begin Ensileen spuit(Lantus).Nou,2 jaar later is ek weer opgeneem met dieselfde probleem,lesings weer in die middel 20s.Spuit 20 eenhede soogens en 20 eenhede saans(Lantus)Medikasie is verhoog van Glucophage 850mg na 1000mg,moet eksra Ensileen spuit saam met Lantus(NovaRapid).Nadat ek Sateroggend julle insetsel op Ontbytsake gekyk het was ek baie beindruk en gewonder of julle produk nie dalk vir my ook kan wondere verrig nie?Asseblief,kan daar dalk n lig aan die einde van die tonnel vir my wees om van al die proleme ontslae te raak.Werklik al moeg vir hierdie daaglikse roetine van naalde,naalde en nogmals naalde. Baie dankie vir julle tyd.

    • Goeie dag Hennie

      Dankie vir jou epos en ons sien uit om die pad saam met jou te stap

      Ja CSN het baanbreker resultate verkry met die wetenskaplike studie op diabete en ek hoop ons kan jou ook help.

      Weet jy of jy n Tipe 1 of Tipe 2 Diabeet is?
      Ons sukkel egter met Tipe 1 diabete maar met Tipe 2 diabete het ons wonderlike resultate

      Indien jy op die program gaan sal jy bitter mooi jou suiker moet monitor – ons kan saam met jou dokter moet werk – omdat jou geval ernstig is.

      Ek wag gou om van jou te hoor dan vat ons dit van daar af

  20. Hi Daar! Wanneer jy met die detox jou gewig bereik het wdie eetplan? at is volgende. Volg een net

  21. Ek het Mitral Valve replacement en is op Warfarin. Vanaf 1990. Ek het menopause en het verskriklik gewig opgetel. Ek is 220lbs ek wil graag weer so 73kg weeg. Mag ek CSN gebruik?

    • Goeie dag Estelle

      CSN is veilig vir jou om te gebruik

      Daar is 2 pakket-opsies om van te kies

      10 dag pakket @ R999 (as jy minder as 5kg wil verloor)
      30 dae pakket @ 2377 (sluit Detox in) (as jy meer as 5kg wil verloor)
      Elkeen sluit ‘n 60 dae eetplan in.

      CSN is 100% natuurlik en veilig vir meeste mense om te gebruik

      CSN is n 60 dae eetplan, maar jy volg die program net totdat jy doelgewig bereik het.

      Daar is 3 aanvullings wat jy saam met die pakket kry

      1. Natural Health Supplement – voorsien die liggaam van nodige nutrient en hou jou versadig

      2. Aloemag – Kry jou metabolism aan die gang

      3. Barley Grass – Balanseer jou liggaam se pH en ensiemvlakke

      Die eerste 10 dae van die 60 dae program staan bekend as die Detox

  22. Hi Karien,
    Mag mens koffie tydens die detox periode drink? Net met water, geen melk of suiker nie, natuurlik…

    • Goeie dag Maurice – dit is lekker om van jou te hoor
      Jy mag tot koppies koffie / tee met VETVRYE / SKIM melk drink en onbeperk as jy dit swart neem. Jy mag versoeter gebruik : SUGANON en STEVIA. Maak vir jou n lekker ystee vir die warm somer dae.

  23. Dagse ek wil net weet of ek die produk kan gebruik ek neem tans serdep 100mg
    Zuvamor 10mg en
    Eltroxim 3x 0.1mg
    Ek is ongeveer 50kg oorgewig. Kan jul dalk vir my meer inligting stuur?

    • Goeie dag

      CSN is veilig om te gebruik – solank jy nie op bloedverdunningsmedikasie vir minder as n jaar is nie (soos Warfarin) – dan is dit piekfyn.

  24. Good day,

    I am a pre-diabetic and take Glucophage 500.
    Can I take the weight loss products?
    If I take the diabetic product will I still lose weight which is my goal?

    Thank you

    • Good day

      The programme is suitable for you to use – You will experience great benefits from it – and hopefully, get you of the Glucophage.

      We have 30% OFF all our packages – TODAY only!

      Visit my website http://www.kariencsn.co.za or phone me on 0769787766

      Hope to hear from you soon
      Kind Regards

    • Unfortunately not Johan. Good luck with your effort, let me know if there is anything we can assist with.

  25. Goeie More
    Ek wil graag die detox pak van 10dae bestel.
    Sal bly wees as julle vir my ‘n Invoice kan stuur sodat ek die betaling kan doen.

  26. Hi Karien

    When are you having specials on all your products and bundle packages again?

    • Shantel nothing in the immediate future but get onto the mailing list and we will send you any specials when they happen.

  27. Goeiedag. Ek is 72 en wil so 10 tot 15 kg verloor. Is tans op anti depressante en bloeddrukpille. Cholesterol ook bietjie hoog. Wat stel jy voor?

  28. Hi Karien
    I have been struggling to loss weight due to an underactive thyroid for the last 5 years
    need to loss about 20 – 25kg – should I consult a doctor before starting with CSN, what will your suggestion be.
    Looking forward to your return email.

  29. Hi ek is op die program. Daar staan no fat milk with coffee. Beteken dit ons nag low fat gebruik of geen melk. Die sin is bietjie onduidelik. Ek is in eerste fase en baie tevrede

  30. Hi. Ek ek kry nerens in die inligting verskaf die detox of eelplan om te sien of ek dit sal kan volg. Is dit beskikbaar op jul blad?

    Ek neem aan dat die tablette noodsaaklik is om die voldoende gewigsverlies te verseker.

  31. Good day Karien

    I want to do the Detox as a start but I am a triathlete which means I train daily up to twice a day , will I be able to do the CSN Detox while training as I know most detox programs dont allow intense training.

  32. Ek sukkel met saccharin versoeter, kan ek n versoeter met sucralose gebruik op julle eet program.

  33. Goeie dag. Ek is nou net deur Covid 19 en die dokter het lewer skade opgetel as een van die nagevolge. Vermoed die ivermectine. Was al voorheen op die CSN diet met goeie gevolge. Het byvoorbeeld nie meer cholestrol nie.
    Sal die diet help om my beskadigde lewer te herstel?
    Kan ek CSN so vinnig na covid 19 gebruik
    Ek is 61 jaar oud

  34. Hi Karien

    Ek sien julle meld dat die produkte nie geskik is vir iemand met divertikulitis nie. Ek sal graag wil hê dat my man die plan saam met my moet volg, maar hy het divertikulitis. Kan hy ‘n aangepaste plan volg, bv. sonder die aloe, of is die hele plan nie geskik vir hom nie?

    Dankie solank!

  35. Hallo

    Karien ek en my man is altwee baie oorgewig ons altwee is ook op antidepresante hy op twee bloedruk pille ek op hormoon behandeling en ek op Eltroxin sal ons die produk kan gebruik en sal die veilig wees vir ons.

  36. Hi Karlien.

    Ek wil net uit vind is al julle produkte in pil of tablet form.

    Ek het nie n sterk smaak en maag toleransie nie, bedoelende ek word gou naar.

    Hoe is die csn produkte se smaak.

    Julle het nog nie iets in spuit vorm nie.

    Groete Charlom.

  37. Ek het n gastric bypass gekry en het nog 10kg wat ek baie graag wil verloor. Sal ek jul produkte kan gebruik al het ek n bypass gehad


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