Can paleo help manage diabetes?

can paleo help diabetes

The paleo diet takes us back to the Stone Age with its emphasis on unprocessed, ancestral foods. Its followers believe that it is beneficial for weight loss, improved health and disease management. Does this include the management of diabetes? Let’s explore the pros and cons of the paleo diet and find out if it has … Read more

Your guide to vegetarian intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting and vegetarianism

Intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular among those looking to lose weight. Oh, you don’t eat meat? No problem. Since intermittent fasting prescribes when you eat and not what you eat, it is perfectly suitable for vegetarians. Here’s how to compile an optimally nutritious vegetarian intermittent fasting meal plan. Pros and cons of intermittent fasting … Read more

Can alkaline powder improve your health?

Can alkaline powder improve your health?

Smoking isn’t cool anymore and the popularity of virgin cocktails is rising. Today’s society is all about healthy choices. We are almost bombarded with info on health and wellness. Living in an era of quick fixes, we don’t only want to be healthy, we want to be healthy now. Proponents of alkaline powder claim that … Read more

How to improve your baby’s gut health

Understanding constipation in babies

Constipation is a widespread gastrointestinal issue, and it spares no one as people from all ages can be affected. Yes, even babies. Novalac Constipation is a product specifically designed to provide relief for constipated little ones. Let’s delve into the features that make this product a necessary one in your home.  How to tell if … Read more

Intermittent fasting: your ultimate guide


If you were to go onto social media right now, and ask the question “How can I lose weight?”, a large number of people will enthusiastically recommend intermittent fasting. The popularity of this diet can’t be denied, but how does it work and is it safe and healthy? In this comprehensive guide we’ll delve into … Read more

Can Probiotics Cause Constipation? – Why probiotics can leave you with digestive issues…

How to manage probiotic-induced constipation

How to manage probiotic-induced constipation If you are taking probiotics, you are probably doing so in an effort to improve your gut health. The last thing you would expect is for your probiotics to leave you constipated. But, it can happen. Read on to discover why probiotics can sometimes cause constipation and what you can … Read more

Caloric Deficit: Understanding Your Calorie Needs


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Calorie Deficit vs Caloric Deficit: Understanding Your Calorie Needs”. As an expert dietitian, I’m here to clarify these commonly confused terms and help you understand how managing your calorie intake can facilitate your health goals. Whether you’re aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or overall wellness, understanding the difference … Read more

Can you reverse diabetes with keto?

can you reverse diabtes

Is keto safe for diabetics? Benefits and challenges for diabetics on keto Many people who follow the keto diet will be able to tell you about successfully losing weight and loving their diet. Keto is immensely popular and many claim that it comes with great health benefits. But is this diet, one that is high … Read more

Can Constipation Cause Back Pain? Exploring the Causes of Back Pain and Constipation

constipation back pain

Understanding How Constipation Can Cause Back Pain Experiencing back pain can be a profoundly debilitating ordeal, and while the root causes vary, it’s worth noting that constipation can cause back pain. In some cases, this discomfort is not indicative of a grave health issue, yet the incapacitation it causes cannot be understated. It’s crucial to recognise … Read more

Is Samp Healthy to include in your diet?

Samp for Weight loss

In South Africa we braai. If you don’t like it, you … actually, no. Everyone likes it. But braaivleis is not our only culinary indulgence. A slow-cooked potjiekos paired with steaming samp truly hits the spot. Truly comfort food! Unfortunately comfort food often means “beware, this will make you fat”. Considering a healthy diet? Is … Read more

How to Slim Down with Mango Leaves

mango leaves and weight loss

Bright, sweet, juicy – mangoes are glorious summer fruit. But here’s something you didn’t know: move over oranges, as mangoes are one of the highest food sources of vitamin C. Known as the king of fruits, the mango is packed with nutrients, delicious, and low in calories. But did you know that mango leaves are … Read more

How To Lose Weight by Running


Nineties rocker Alanis Morissette once said that being a runner makes it impossible for her to get depressed. You either agree with this, or the thought of running makes you depressed. Either way, running burns calories, which makes it an acceptable activity in our books. Here’s how to do it right. Can you lose weight … Read more

Can constipation trigger fever?

constipation and fever

Constipation is a common digestive issue that most of us suffer at some point in our lives. It’s an uncomfortable business, often accompanied with abdominal pain. You might find that you have a fever as well, despite it not being a typical symptom of constipation. So what is really happening? This article will explore the … Read more

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