In the end, How The Body Loses Weight is a simple!
In the Health and Fitness world, it is tough these days to make out what to listen to? Eat eggs, don’t eat eggs, carbs make you fat, starving yourself is the only way and the list goes on…
What are the simple truths behind weight loss that nobody is talking about?
Learn the Simple Truth; the basics of how the body loses weight!
Going on a fat loss diet in order to live a healthier life can be exceptionally difficult, especially when you are first starting out. The actual process of weight loss can be difficult to establish and maintain for your body’s natural fat shedding processes.
However, one of the best ways to kick-start this process effectively is to educate yourself about how your body actually loses weight.
- What does your body do to shed excess weight?
- Where does the fat go?
- What triggers the weight loss process?
All of these questions actually have relatively simple answers. The discipline and consistency to stick to your weight loss plan is where most people find weight loss the most difficult.
Here is a rundown of how the human body burns fat, and what you can do to facilitate that process in your daily life.

Weight Loss Basics
In the simplest of terms, weight loss (specifically stored fat loss) happens when your body is burning more calories (energy from food) than you are consuming/eating. The good news is that your body is burning calories all the time just to keep your bodies various physiological systems in proper working order.
Working hard at your desk? Your body is burning calories. Climbing the stairs?
Your body is burning calories.
Climbing the stairs?
Burning calories. Getting a good night’s sleep? More calories burned. Even sitting and reading this article is burning calories as your brain works to process the information you are feeding it at this very moment.
Getting a good night’s sleep? More calories burned. Even sitting and reading this article is burning calories as your brain works to process the information you are feeding it at this very moment.
Even sitting and reading this article is burning calories as your brain works to process the information you are feeding it at this very moment.
Since you are burning calories all the time, weight loss should be easy, right? As many of us all know. It’s not quite so simple as that.
As many of us all know, It’s not quite so simple as that.
Caloric Deficit
In order for your body to consume the energy that is stored in fat deposits on your body, you have to create what is known as a calorie deficit.
A caloric deficit occurs when you consume less calories from food while maintaining or increasing your level of physical activity. As your body burns through all of your consumed calories from food, it begins to draw on stored sources of energy like fat deposits, as well as stored proteins and glycogen/sugar.
Fat stores are converted into usable energy via metabolic processes, depleting the deposits of stored fat on your body.
This makes the idea of “weight loss” something of a misnomer, as your body is not losing weight but metabolising stored fat, which reduces your body weight.
Thus, fat loss is a far more accurate description of how your body “lose weight”. What happens to those storage sites or “fat deposits”? The body doesn’t actually destroy them per se. Fat gets stored in individual cells known as adipocytes.
Human bodies usually maintain a set number of adipocytes, no matter how much is stored inside. If a person gains weight rapidly though, additional adipocytes can be created as a form of emergency storage for all the excess energy your body isn’t using.
When your body uses up the fat in each adipocyte, they don’t go away until the body has negated its need for them. This means that you need to maintain your fat loss regimen in order to maintain your fat loss and “keep the weight off,”
So, just how much of a caloric deficit does someone need to create lose fat? The general rule to go by is 3,500 calories per half kilogram of fat.
For those of you who dislike maths, that’s cutting roughly 500 calories per day from your food intake, or exercising with a moderate vigor for approximately one hour.
Tips for Creating Caloric Deficit Through:
Now that we have a goal in mind, how do we go about creating that caloric deficit?
The right CSN diet and meal plan can make all the difference in progress, and the foods and supplements in those plans definitely drive faster fat loss within you body.
That being said, doing everything you can to help create that necessary caloric deficit is going to help accelerate the fat loss process. Here are a few tips for helping your body shed that excess fat faster:
Aerobic Exercise
While working out burns calories, aerobic workouts like walking, jogging, or running tend to burn more calories overall than strength/resistance training.
Both are important to your overall health, but aerobic exercise is definitely the number one fat burner.
The reason that aerobic exercise (and exercise in general) is so effective lies in the physiological phenomenon known as “after-burn” effect (or post-exercise oxygen consumption). After an aerobic workout, your body tends to continue burning calories at an elevated rate even after you have stopped your workout.
Your body is repairing your muscle tissues. If you are “feeling the burn” after a workout, that means that your body is literally burning calories as it heals your muscle tissue.
Most people typically experience this more following strength/resistance training workouts, but if a person is deconditioned (a.k.a. “out of shape”), they will experience this phenomenon until their body develops a higher fitness level and uses energy more efficiently.
Strength/Resistance Training
Working the various muscles of your body makes them more energy efficient. Muscle growth occurs when your create tiny micro-tears in the muscle tissue, which your body then repairs using intake calories and calories from stored fat.
Increasing your muscle tissue helps to increase your caloric deficit, as muscle tissue is highly active metabolically.
Increased muscle mass throughout your body means that you will burn more calories even when idle because your body will require additional energy to continue building and maintaining that new muscle mass after each workout.

Stick to It!
Make sure that even once you hit your goal weight that you are still trying to maintain your activity level. Your fat loss is still lost weight, which means that your workouts will burn less calories since you are moving less and less weight around with each kilogramme you shed.
Keep in mind that as will your fitness level increases, you will also burn fewer calories at rest since it now uses energy more efficiently. You will need to keep working and keep yourself challenged and working hard in order to keep your fat loss going and maintain your new,healthier weight.
In addition to your CSN diet, you may want to make arrangements to meet with a personal trainer or personal fitness coach to help you develop and maintain a personal fitness plan that allows you to reinforce and maintain your new activity level once you have achieved your fat-loss goals. It also helps to have someone in your corner to encourage and motivate you when you feel like giving up, or when you feel like you will never make progress towards your goal.
Get In The Right Mindset to Lose Weight
Fat loss is as much a mental as a physical battle. Opportunities to overconsume calories in modern society are widespread and heavily promoted.
Add to that all the distractions we find (TV, Facebook, video games, etc) and excuses we make to ourselves, and it becomes quite clear that fat loss requires as much (if not more) mental as physical discipline.
Re-training your brain to consider the caloric impact of everything you consume, be it food or drink, is very difficult.
When you commit to shed fat and control your calorie intake, you are making a major lifestyle change. Just as you cannot solve a problem using the thinking that created it, you cannot lose weight and keep it off with the same mindset that you have always had about eating and physical activity.
Think about it: you didn’t get to where you are with your weight and overall health in a matter of weeks or months. The process to make a change and reverse those negative effects will take time as well.
Optimal, lasting weight loss happens as a result of a shift to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Patience and self-discipline don’t develop overnight, and neither does fat-loss.
Start out with that mindset, and you will find you are achieving your goals far more rapidly than you ever thought possible.
In the end, the process for weight loss is a simple matter in terms of the actual physical process of helping your body metabolise stored energy through establishing and maintaining a calorie deficit.
The hard part is what you need to do in order to get to that point mentally and physically, and then keep yourself there.
Your CSN fat-loss diet is definitely an effective means of helping your body start the physical and metabolic processes it needs to get rid of excess fat fast, but changing your outlook and mindset is up to you.
Make the choice to live your life in a way that allows you to shed that excess fat and live a longer, healthier, and happier life.