Christo Strydom | The superhero of fat loss!

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is research based and some of the views and findings do not conform with the CSN Diet.

Who is the man behind CSN, the superhero of healthy living and fat loss?

Who is Christo Strydom, the man behind the success of Christo Strydom Nutrition!

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It began with dream to fly. Back in the 70’s, Christo Strydom left a mark on the world.

At age 18, he was South-Africa’s youngest flying instructor. This noteworthy accomplishment was just the start of what he was going to accomplish after the turn of the century.

As a pilot, an optimal understanding design is significant. Both the Bernoulli Principle and the Venturi impact are fundamental to streamlined outline ideas.

As a young pilot, Christo Strydom saw these hypotheses as imperative to flying an airplane. Being sheltered. Remaining alive. Just significantly later, did he understand that these same standards can be connected to the lymphatic system? Supporting wellbeing and personal satisfaction.

Amid Strydom’s initial pilot vocation, he met an Indian pilot, who was additionally a therapeutic specialist. Pilots are liable to official restorative registration that among other, require high weight administration.

How to lose weight fast!

Christo Strydom makes a discovery

The specialist acquainted Strydom with a vegetable soup and eating regimen to this end. It filled its need, and Strydom remained a sound and dynamic pilot for quite a while.

Later on, Christo Strydom turned into a property designer, connecting with agents who spent a large portion of their days behind desks.

This unfortunate way of life brought about a significant number of these individuals being overweight and experiencing health issues. Strydom knew that he could do something about this.

After much experimentation and refining of the eating design, CSN (Christo Strydom Nutrition) was born.

He concentrated on the lymph system tirelessly until he could prove that nutrition had a great deal in the lymph system. By expelling lymph tube blockages caused by a protein in the lymph system,  lymph liquids can flow uninhibitedly.

Christo Strydom spent many years to prove that the CSN programme will increase the quality of life of diabetics, lower cholesterol, lymphoedema, exhaustion, hypertension, gout, joint inflammation, skin issue, PMS, headache, sleep deprivation, kidney stones and other diseases.

Also, amid June 2014, the University of the Free State consented to a joint effort in scientific study with Strydom to build up a Metabolic Research Unit at the University – a first of its kind in our county.

Christo Strydom Nutrition is a way of life – backed by science

Have a look at the revolutionary CSN Products!

Picture of Karien


Hi, my name is Karien Nel and today I’m 37kg lighter than the day I started my weight loss journey with CSN Diet.

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15 thoughts on “Christo Strydom | The superhero of fat loss!”

  1. Hi iv herd about your priduct iv tried so many products and nothing works i think my boddy is damaged in ways

    • The meal plans are included in the Christo Strydom Nutrition diet and can be found in the NHS tubs.

      To find out more about pricing and what options there are please visit our csn online store and you are more than welcome to contact me.

  2. Hi Karien,

    My name is Julie and i am a diabetic 2

    My wieght is 100kg and my length is 1.55m, and i am also struggling to loose TUMMY FAT!!!!

    I am looking forward in hearing from you soon

  3. Im diabetic 2, have bloodpresure , and gout. Im in Namibia want to order the 10day detox and the 30 day plan. Im also struckeling to loose tummy fat. Im 57 years my kilos at the moment are 115 my lenth 1.62m. Im really struckeling to loose weight. My Galbladder was removed and my Kidney stones was removed two times.

  4. Hi Karien
    My name is Fiona
    I am 57 years old 1.5 m and weigh 79 kilos
    I am type 2 diabetic for the past 20 years and now also have hypertention
    I would realy want to get the diabetes and hypertention under control


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