All You Need to Know about Cardiovascular Diseases

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is research based and some of the views and findings do not conform with the CSN Diet.

The term heart disease’ in medical terms is the symptoms of diseases related to the heart. Often, the term cardiovascular disease’ is taken as heart disease; however, the latter is just among the numerous conditions related to the heart.

What is a cardiovascular disease?

Well, in order to understand the cardiovascular symptoms, first we have to know what the other heart diseases are. A heart disease is a melange of heart problems such as; coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems, heart defects from birth, chest pain or stroke.

Cardiovascular disease is the condition related to narrowing of blood vessels, typically blockage that may lead to heart attack, chest pain or stroke.

Like any other muscle, the heart is also a part of the body that aids in the smooth functioning of other organs. We may call it as “pumping station” of the body! The heart needs adequate blood flow in order to pump it to the other parts of the body for better functionality. Not only other parts, but the heart requires equal blood flow in the arteries. These arteries are the major blood vessel which carries blood to the surface of the heart for better functioning.

When the arteries become narrow due to unwelcoming elements, it hampers their functioning as well. The arteries find it difficult to carry adequate blood to the surface of the heart, which causes heartaches and strokes. Especially during heavy weight training and exercise regime, the blood flow is highly affected.


The symptoms of cardiovascular disease

It is said that the symptoms of cardiovascular disease may vary for men and women. Men may face uneasiness in the heart and have chest pain, whereas women may suffer from nausea, breathing shortage, and interval aches.

The symptoms may anyone from the below;

Chest pain, chest discomfort, chest pressure or tightness in the chest.

Chest heaviness with radiation in the left arm or jaw. Nausea and sweating may add to the discomfort.

Pain or numbness in your arms and legs. You may face the coldness if the blood vessels have narrowed in those parts of the body.

Many people face indigestion, nausea, shoulder pain or upper abdominal pain as well.

There might be an occasion when the person may wake up from the sleep facing unstable angina and do not respond quickly to rest or nitro-glycerine.

Not all pain in the heart results in heart disease. There might be early symptoms of the cardiovascular disease that may lead to heart attack or heart blockage. The symptoms are likely to differ from person to person, depending on any medical history, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity.


Types of cardiovascular disease


Heart failure

Heart attack

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Coronary artery disease

Congenital heart disease

Venous blood clots


Renal artery disease

Buerger’s disease

Pulmonary stenosis


Mitral valve Prolapse

Rheumatic heart disease

Atrial fibrillation

Risk factor

The risk factor of the cardiovascular disease depends on the ailments that a person is already suffering. The past and the family history also affect the heart condition and the time involved in the treatment.

High blood pressure


High cholesterol

Smoking history

Family history

Peripheral diseases

Physical inactivity

Lack of sleep, state of insomnia

Diets that are rich in fats and carbohydrates

Drinking too much alcohol


Air pollution

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder


Out of all the risk factors, the experts mention that hypertension and peripheral history is chronically the highest risk factor for cardiovascular disease.


Prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults

Accustoming yourself to bad habits may not affect you when you are young, however, this may slowly grow into chronically cardio disease when attaining the old age. The accumulation of problems till adulthood leads to the cardiovascular disease in adults.

Thus, parents should take care of the children who eat raw salts that may lead to hypertension in the adulthood. Similarly, many such practices like eating unsaturated fats, high cholesterol food, and overeating of carbs and fibers.

Treatment for cardiovascular disease

Lifestyle changes for treating cardio disease

Other than the medicines, lifestyle changes play a vital role in treating and reducing cardiovascular symptoms;

Quit smoking – if you are a chain smoker, then it’s time to quit it before you face any chronic disease relating to the cardio.

Reduce salt in your diet if you face any symptoms of the cardio disease. You may ask your doctor about the nutrition diet and low salt diet as well.

Start exercising if you have not done it yet. Mild exercises such as yoga and brisk walking aids in reducing heart ailment.

Practice stress management with your yoga and instructor to relieve stress and tensions. When your life is full of tension and stress, you tend face risk of heart attack.

Depression is one of the major reasons for heart attack. If you find any such symptoms, then get immediately screened for depression by your doctor.

Obesity is a natural cause that may lead to most of the heart diseases. Exercises are the natural lifestyle change that you need to do and maintain your body weight. There are many others things you could do to avoid excess body weight. Reduce unsaturated fats in your diet and try out the low salt and low sugar diet to maintain a healthy weight. You should eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible.

Sometimes, lifestyle changes lead to the natural restoration of heart and cure any prevailing heart ailment.

Medicine treatments

In case the lifestyle treatments do not make major changes in your ailment, you may get prescribed drugs and cure your diseases. The physician prescribes drugs for,

Lowering hypertension

Reducing blood sugar levels

Lower blood pressure

Decrease the chances of blood clots

Prevent the need for surgery

Other remedies

Angioplasty – a nonsurgical procedure where a tube is inserted into the artery in order to open the blockage.

Bypass graft – a surgical procedure where healthy veins of other parts of your body are used to replace the blocked veins of the heart.

Aspirins are also one of the most popular drugs taken by the heart patients to prevent the blood clots and heart attacks.



Cardiovascular disease is a major issue these days due to unhealthy and neglected lifestyle. However, with simple changes in your habits can make a drastic change in maintaining your heart’s life. Thus, try to reduce stress and bring happiness in your life to stop any health-related disease from prevailing.

Picture of Karien


Hi, my name is Karien Nel and today I’m 37kg lighter than the day I started my weight loss journey with CSN Diet.

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